Tuesday 23 September 2014

Macmillan Tiger users

Hi, Tiger users!

As you know, this school year we will have access to pupil's content in the computer. But parents, don't worry, because we will create an account for every tiger user in class.

Badakizuenez, aurten Tiger metodoa erabiliko duten umeek ordenagailuan materialak izango dituzte. Gure ingeleseko klasean sortuko dugu kontua, beraz etxean ez duzue sortu behar.

Este curso los alumnos que utilizarán el método Tiger tendrán acceso a materiales digitales. Crearemos una cuenta para cada alumno en clase, así que en casa no tenéis que crearla.

Thank you!

Monday 8 September 2014


Hello everyone! We're glad to have you back. This school year we will be posting interesting materials and crafts made by our students, like we did last year.

You will also be able to contact us for further information about your children or extra materials at bmerana.english@gmail.com