Wednesday 4 December 2019

New web page

We've prepared a new web page so this one will stopped being used. Here you have the new link:

You can also go to the new one through the School Site.

You have to log in with the school account to see it.

Hemos preparado una nueva página web. Este es el nuevo enlace:

También se puede acceder a través del Site del centro.

Hay que entrar con una cuenta del centro para poder acceder.

Monday 2 December 2019

Tour around school

Our 4th graders show the Polish partners from our eTwinning project our school.

Sunday 3 November 2019


This time is the European Quality Label the one that our 4th graders got thanks to last year's eTwinning project: English with friends is... FUN!

Having the National and the European labels means that our project is among the best in Europe.

Thursday 31 October 2019


Today we celebrated Halloween in school.
During this last week we did some Arts and Crafts activities. The 4th class students made a mobile bat.

After, the 6th graders visited all the classes singing and giving out candies to celebrate this English tradition.

Theater day

Yesterday we enjoyed two  English plays. The youngest saw "Under the sea" and primary students could see Circus Life.
All of them had a very good time.


Thursday 24 October 2019

New site for 4th graders

The new site for 4th graders is ready. You can find it on the right side of the blog. Click the image and you'll go to the site.

Monday 14 October 2019

Back to school, back to eTwinning

New school year and new eTwinning projects. At the moment, we are carrying out two projects:
"What's new?" with 4th classes and "Twincraft in Science" with 6th classes, both of them in English.
Here you have two leaflets with the explanation of both of them.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Our Winners!

Here you have the winners of the National Quality Stamp with their certificates. Congratulations!

Monday 17 June 2019

Quality Label

Our eTwinning project "English with friends is...FUN!!" has been awarded with the Quality Label. That means our project was a great one. Next autumn we will know if we are awarded with the European Quality Stamp.

Congratulations to all our young etwinners of 3rd class. This has been their first project and they worked very well.

Sunday 9 June 2019

eTwinning project

Our first eTwnning project is finished. We did many activities along the year so we got all the pieces of our puzzle. Last week we said good bye to our European partners in the videoconferences. We had great fun playing with them.

Friday 24 May 2019


Next week will have the last videoconferences of this school year with our eTwinning partners from Greece and Poland. We'll play and say goodbye to these fantastic partners.

Monday 29 April 2019

Fashion show

We keep on learning about clothes and seasons. Click on the image to see the video.

Sunday 7 April 2019

Vegetable salad from Poland

Once again our 3rd class students show that they are real cooks, this time making a delicious vegetable salad.

Sunday 31 March 2019

Dakos from Greece

Our 3rd class students in action making Dakos, a recipe from our Greek partners in the European project English with friends is...FUN!!

Thursday 28 March 2019

Seasons and clothes

Second class students did these beautiful posters.

A new recipe

Time to cook in our eTwinning project with the 3rd class students. This week we've been preparing Dakos, a Greek dish. Here you have the recipe.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Tuesday 12 March 2019